Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Multiple Choice Tuesday:

Q: Is Iraq undergoing a sectarian civil war?

A. Yes.
B. No.
C. Today's Tuesday?

If I were MSNBC, my answer would clearly be A. If I were President Bush, my answer would clearly be B. If I were some random pot head that accidently stumbled upon this blog, my answer would probably be C. Regardless, the situation is as it stands - no one has any idea what state we are in in Iraq.

Personally, if I were to answer this simple question, I'd answer A. In fact, I have considered Iraq in a low-grade civil war state for quite some time. President Bush and his cronies would greatly disagree with me on this notion, however - only because my symantics are off key.

"There's a lot of sectarian violence taking place, fomented in my opinion because of the attacks by Al Qaeda causing people to seek reprisal," Bush responded when asked about the current situation in Iraq and how this week has been the deadliest since it's beginning in March 2003 - "We've been in this phase for a while."

Yes, yes we have, Mr. Bush. We have been in "this phase" for quite some time now.

I think we're all aware of that - especially the families of loved one's who have died because thier children/husbands/fathers/uncles/aunts/sisters/fiancees/neices etc. have been killed "accidentally" in this horrible, unfortunate war. That's correct - it has been reported that a majority of the deaths of American soldiers are being killed because they are accidentally caught between enemy fire. That is - enemy fire of warring Sunni's and Shi'ites that are combating in a CIVIL WAR. Right now America is nothing but a referee in the midst of all of this - our people are dying from random gun shots and shrapnel from guns and bombs that are exploding around them. Can't you see, Mr. President? You are using our people as a buffer. You are using the lives of American troops as cannon fodder. You are allowing this to go on, and all you can say is "We've been in this phase for a while."

In the mean time - our presence there is merely just "buying time" for the Iranian and Syrian government whilst they stabilize their own "plan" for this "democracy" we are trying to implement. The only way WE are going to get out of this mess is if Iran and Syria allow us to at this point.

I am too disgusted to continue. . . . . but! In the mean time: The Bush Twins get robbed in Argentina under the noses of the Secret Service! (P.S: They're there to celebrate their 25th Birthday!) Glorious.

Ahhh . . . . The theme reigns strong, my people, Bush can't even secure his own children let alone our nation.

Food for thought.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Prediction 2007: Three Civil Wars

Yes, kind audience it is true. A handsome three civil wars is the prediction for 2007 in the Middle East. Yes, King Abdullah II of Jordan shared with us this interesting (and honest) little tidbit on This Week George Stephanopoulous yesterday . Let's name them, shall we?

  • Palestine. The chaos in this situation is abounding and never ending. Why? Because we have allowed and supported it. Israel is one of our main allies in the region and because of such pitiful attempts for negotiations on our part, the situation has only allowed to fester into a gangrenous, moldy goo. The emotional turmoil embedded in the situation that is Palestine is one of the core issues that the Middle East is facing in each of the following civil war scenarios. The emotionally torn public has been faced with nothing but unfair torture over the past fifty years, and because of this emotional inner chaos, the spark and spread of insurgency is created. One must take note of the emotional rip the Palestinians have been forced to live with and how the unfortunate circumstances in Palestine are translated to other major issues in the Arab world today.
  • Lebanon. Poor Lebanon - this country has been in political turmoil since April of 1975 when a gunman was hired to shoot Pierre Gemayel, founder of the main rightist Christian militia. Though in '75 Gemayel was not killed, just last week Gemayel's grandson, government minister and symbol of Lebanon's besieged Christian, pro- Western community, was assasinated. Today Lebanon is torn internally due to the sharp contrast between the Iranian- backed group Hezbollah and the Western-backed ruling coalition. If not supported and advised properly with diplomatic talks and communication between the United States, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran - Lebanon can, and will be, easily added to the civil war list.
  • Iraq. Though we all know of the war in Iraq, barely a quarter of the American public are actually aware (or interested) in what is actually happening on the ground. The turmoil between Sunni Muslims and the Shi'ites in the region is thick as toxic smoke. The problem the United States is having has to do with the lack of knowledge of the people in this region. The one way to solve the civil war in Iraq is only through diplomatic talks with Syria, Iran, Egypt, Jordan, and Israel. The good news? Bush is actually taking diplomatic steps towards a resolution. Next week Bush will be meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Amman, Jordan to discuss important political strategy in Iraq. The bad news? Moktada al-Sadr, the powerful Shi'ite cleric, has threatened to withdraw from the government if the prime minister meets with President George W. Bush, because of his sordid hate for the Americans. Fantastic. So Maliki is in a tough position - either he can meet with Bush and face furious dissapointment from his Shi'ite counterpart (who is an extremely powerful man and influence in Iraq) or he could meet with Bush to host discussions to help aid the United States in getting their ass out of this mess without having to go through another Vietnam scenario.

I terms of America's position in all of this, I have four words: We're not completely fucked.

Now, we're almost there, but we're not completely screwed on this one. Why do I say this? Because - the important key fact to note is that we are in a position to make steps towards peace. And that is what it has all come down to. Yes, Mr. Bush, you have shouted "peace!" and "freedom!" this whole time, so buck up and give us some damn results. Forget your profits and your oil money, and your political elbow rubbing - you and your administration have failed in accomplishing your goals of mass profits, and since that has failed, you now have no other option than to play the strong counter-support in the "peace process" you have been wailing about since day one.

Get ready America, we're in this for the long-haul. That's right, fasten your seatbelts, kind American citizens - we have three civil wars to aid, solve, and support! (Do I feel a draft in here?)

Now - Who wants to make bets that the fifty-first state will probably be established in the Middle East along the way?

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kissinger: No Hopes of Military Victory

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told the BBC on Sunday November 19, that the United States should not expect a military victory in Iraq . Kissinger expressed that the United States ’ only chance of any victory would be implemented by diplomacy and communication with surrounding countries such as Iran (and potentially Syria). Sounds easy enough. I’m sure Ahmadinejad would welcome us with open arms to discussions about how he is going to become the main inheritor of our mess o' grandeur.

To tell you the truth, I think Mr. Kissinger is definitely on to something. Infact I'll go one step further to say "he's absolutely correct in his thinking." I do, however, find it a little ironic how he has decided to wait until the last minute to advise the United States on such diplomatic relations. Though, this is excusable, I guess. . . . This ‘waiting until the last minute to give sound advice’ seems to be a reoccurring theme throughout his practice, so I guess in this case it was expected. *cough* Vietnam *cough, cough*

Regardless! I concur with Mr. Kissinger’s apprehensive and warned advice to President Bush on the issues of Iraq . As we have already noted, noted, and noted again – the more military might we invest, the more rapidly the insurgency grows and festers. Obviously, after five years of fighting, one would think we should, oh, I dunno – invest in a different strategy? It only makes sense to kowtow to Ahmadinejad, amongst others in this situation (as sick that may make Bush and his cronies) for this strategy is one that, believe it or not – does make sense.

Think about it - we have already been completely abandoned by our other allies, why not make new ones? The strategic placement, the cultural understanding, the influence, and the acknowledgement of status that would go into diplomatically creating allied relations with Iran may not only help us get our troops out of Iraq faster, but also aid us in relations there in the future. Of course this means that Bush need avid and staunch guidance in how to properly communicate with Ahmadinejad, but I’m sure his Dad, Bush Sr. could help him out with that one.

The sad reality is that we have allowed ourselves to get into this embarrassing situation, but the good news, is – if managed properly, we can still get out of this mess with some credibility. By asking for help and support from those whom we could loosely consider enemies, we may have a chance at turning this situation around.

Yes, we are powerful. Yes, we are strong. Yes, we are united (barely). However, as a perfect example of what this war has made of us – we cannot ignore the fact that we, as the most powerful nation in the world, are not invincible.

"I'll take The fall of the Roman Empire for $1000, Alec"

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Drama

I love politics.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye - Democrats have won the House and Senate! Pelosi is the new Speaker of the House, and she's already managed to split the party in half! Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

With the good comes the ugly, and we've got a doozy. At the moment the world is rejoicing, for the Democrats have now gained power in the House and Senate, leaving President Bush in a bit of a tough spot. Nancy Pelosi is the new Speaker of the House - a very prominent and powerful position which requires much responsibility and precise management skills. Pelosi has the power to take the Democrats to the top. She has the ability to strengthen the Democrats and unite them as a strong and uniform identity on the Hill. She has the means to make her mark in history. She has the . . . . .


News break: Pelosi has already successfully split the Democratic party without even being properly inaugurated. Crap!

The situation is this, ladies and gents: Nancy has the ability to choose the majority leader, and Hoyer was the main candidate up for grabs. Suddenly without word or slight nuance, she is promoting and nominating John Murtha for the position. Whaaa? Where did this come from? And what, oh what, is her little hippy mind thinking? Read more here.

The Democrats are in power. They have a chance to make the difference. The World is in celebration on a global scale, and we're screwing around with who's going to be the majority leader? Come on. Why the drama? In my personal opinion, she would be smart not to take a position on this matter. In the most case her avid promotion of Murtha for Majority Leader appears completely self-serving and biased. As a leader she should know that she should not be dealing the cards for the rest of the party.

In my personal opinion, Pelosi should not be as involved in this race as she is. It is her job to lead us in the right direction, not pull the party apart by implementing her own agenda. You know what this reminds me of? Bush tactics. This strategy and messy game of "hand picking" your "team" is selfish and overtly righteous.

Come on, Nancy. Stop promoting your own agenda.

If the majority is divided, we will be easily conquered.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


You can feel it in the air, the beautiful power of choice. The excitement of the race for who will win. All scandals, repulsive commercials, ridiculous accusations and tyrannous bullshit will be pushed to the side. The importance now is in the effort of the people. The power is in the unification of the parties. The silent fight for the will to want more from your country and those who represent you.

The beauty of the vote is apparent - it is an honor, a right, a chance to be rewarded. Whether you are a voting Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green Party or Communitarian, the choice is yours.

Decisions will be made today.

Decisions that will affect all of us.

Exercise your right. Vote.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Oh and . . . .

Reverend Ted "Jesus Freak" Haggard, didn't resign. He was fired.

That Asshole. I hope his wife beats him. With a Rosary.


Tomorrow's weather forcast (NoVA/DC): Scattered showers.

Fact or Fiction?

Not only is there a predicted shower storm, but there is a predicted decrease in Democratic voters because of it:

Republicans are more likely than Democrats to show up to vote. Why are Democrats affected more? Political operatives believe it’s a matter of demographics. Democratic voters tend to be poorer than Republicans and may not have cars to drive to the polls. Those voters, the theory goes, would be more likely to stay home in bad weather. . . .
Read more

Don't let this idiotic concept reign true. If it's raining in your state tomorrow - bring a damn umbrella.


US Military Has Had Enough

The US Military has asked President Bush to fire Secretary of Defense, Rumsfeld, lest he resign. However, due to inflated narcissism and ego's big enough to smear over the damage done to both Iraq and the United States, this "cry for help" from the US millitary will be one that is short lived, and smudged out. Though the story and the newsbreak is appealing, I fear Rumsfeld will be with us until the end of his term. Here

If only Rumsfeld wasn't such a stubborn ass . . .

Surprise? Surprise.

Mr. Hussein is sentanced to hang. This is as expected, though I for one am surprised at how long it took to get through the trial and conclude with the hanging sentance in the first place.

Just think - We could have probably saved hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of our tax payers dollars if he were shot dead in that spider hole when he was first captured.

Moving on - you can read the story here if you're interested.

The good news? Iraq is still a mess.

Oh and look! The United States Military wants Rummy OUT. This is fantastic news. Not only are our people depressed and repressed by our President's blatent lies and horrible decisions, but our military has lost all faith in our Secretary of Defense. Fantastic.

Patriots Unite!

A Passionate Hate:

Yuk -O. Just as a quick side note, I found myself watching Rachael Ray on the Food Network this weekend, and I just have to say that I think I have found the most perpetiously, flamboyantly, ecstatically annoying woman on the planet. This woman is so damn repulsive with her stupid"Yum-O" and "E-V-O-O" and "Yummers!" banter that after 5 minutes of her 30 Minute Meal segment I wanted to ram a frying pan through my TV screen.

This woman is the epitome of annoyance. It's stomach churning. It amazes me how popular she is. Then again, it amazes me Bush was elected. Twice.


Friday, November 03, 2006

Jesus Freak

Oh, the irony of it all. Reverend Ted Haggard, senior pastor with New Life Church, resigned as president of the National Association of Evangelicals after being accused of having a secret affair with a gay escort, and partaking in drug abuse.

Ain't that America, Folks? Where the President of the NAE can put on a smile, preach to millions, influence thought, "speak the word of Jesus," and then after his sermon, tell his wife and children (all five) that he has to "meet with a troubled man" (who is actually his part-time, hired, gay lover) and then butt-fuck him while on Extascy to heighten his sexual experience.

Fantastic. Perfect. Wonderful. Praise the Lord.

Did I mention the guy (Haggard) is a close confidant of President Bush? Oh yeah. They get together every Monday to read scripture and snort coke.

Alright - so I made up the "snort coke" part, but it's believable isn't it? That's what makes this country so grand. Nothing is sacred, and nothing, not nothing is secret.


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Here's Hoping

As the heated pressure builds during these remaining important days before the upcoming 2006 elections, one can cut the political tension with a blunt butter knife. For the first time in years the Republican party has caught a minor sweat - sadly, it took a despicable sex scandal (Mark “I have a drinking problem” Foley), a underground league of lying, cheating, manipulative, money-hungry, Republican constituents (Jack “Gimme Gimme” Abramoff), a masquerade of politically incorrect (not to mention childish and extremely unprofessional, yet enjoyable) commercials (Pick your Republican Candidate), and an incompetent President (George “Stay the Course” Bush) who has no idea how severely he has destroyed the political system on a global scale, to bring this "minor" sweat to fruition.

One would think the Democrat's have a fairly decent chance to reclaim some ground on The Hill, reclaim some seats, and potentially rid our Congress of complete and total Republican pull, right?

I’d be careful with those thoughts, and here’s why:

At this very moment, it is hard to ignore the fact that both parties are congealed in a fantastical illusion of hope. Now, last time I checked, having your party’s political integrity based on a sense of anticipation is defiantly shameful, and blatantly displays how weak our political structure truly is. If our system of democracy actually worked – which would only happen if our leaders diligently practiced good politics - neither party would be “hoping” for their success. Sadly, voters and politicians alike are crossing their fingers, biting their nails, and praying, praying, praying that nothing else surfaces before Tuesday.

Now, even though the Republican Party is looking quite the mess, it is important to note that they have been the triumphant team of all the elections these past six years. There is a reason for this: They have a dedicated, devoted and committed voter base – an essential ingredient to political success. However, it is interesting to note that because of all of the “Oops,” “Whoops” and “Uh oh’s” the Republican Party has had to face this year, many of their voting base is said to be staying home instead of participating in their right to vote. This makes sense. Let’s hope.

So let’s recap: The only way the Democrats are going to win this one is if our voter turnout is more prominent than that of the Republicans. Right now we might not be able to vote our Democratic candidates into power completely, but at least we can give the Republicans a run for their money.

Cross your fingers.

What Issues?

We know who’s running, we know who’s ahead in the polls, we know who we would like to see win and who we’d like to see brutally discarded from office, but what we don’t know is what the hell a lot of these congressional candidates are campaigning for. What are their issues?

Because of mainstream media and the false commercialization of opposing candidates, opinions on certain candidates running for office have been soiled in the eyes of the voting public.

If I (for one) did not keep up on the truth, I’d just as easily assume that:

George Allen’s (R) middle name is “Macaca.” He also happens to be an avid racist and keen sponsor of the confederate flag, of which he proudly has hanging up in his congressional office and praises every morn'. He also is being accused of carelessly tossing around the “N-word” as he quickly sweeps his half-Jewish heritage under the Persian rug beneath his custom made crocodile skin boots (of which the tax payers bought him, by the way).

James Webb (D) is an advocate against all right's of women in the military, a perversely published pedophile accused of slanderous comments towards the African American people, and a bigoted Republican-turned-Democrat who obviously has identity issues.

Barack Obama (D) is really a white man in a black man’s body. Oh, the audacity of it all! He is also very handsome, and that is why we should vote for him whether he’s running for office or running for President. “Give us the white man’s vote in the shape of a Black man!” Oy. Hear the Democratic party rejoice.

John Kerry (D) thinks our troops in Iraq are uneducated.

Henry Ford (D) is going to take away our gun rights, raise the taxes of those living in Tennessee , make deals with the mob, and invite us all to the next party at the Play Boy mansion. (Yay!)

Rick Santorum (R) is losing by a landslide, but hopes to regain his credibility by kissing Hilary’s ass in his commercials, and comparing the War in Iraq to Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings.

“Frodo (Bush), look to the eye of Mordor (al-Sadr), and let Gollum (Cheney) show you the way to the Ring (Project Iraqi Freedom or something).

One word, folks: Bullshit. (one word, two syllables)

Now, keep in mind that the above mentioned is only a miniscule example of those running for congressional positions this November. Also, keep in mind that a lot of what has been mentioned above is part of the mainstream LIES that the media is purging onto the public. Only those uneducated in their own political arena would not know this.

Point: Educate yourself on the truth. Even though gossiping about other people and their problems is fun – let’s not forget that the truth in an educated choice overcomes all odds.

I am so wise.

Have a good day. Find out the facts.



On Thursday, October 26, 2006, a press conference was held featuring Donald Rumsfeld and his newly proposed 'Benchmark' strategy for the war in Iraq . In the most basic of explanations, the plan is one in which our Administration will give the elected Iraqi leaders a series of benchmarks to set and complete goals in their own country over a course of 18 months. Sounds good? Let's 'back off,' 'calm down,' and review the situation a little:

In conscious reflection of Rumsfeld’s dialogue on Thursday, I first have to say that I saw, a ‘different’ Rummy behind the podium. The Donald Rumsfeld I saw was one that was not convinced of his own proposed plan. Our Secretary of Defense has lost his conviction, ladies and gentleman. From his comments I not only see a frustrated leader, but one who is deeply worried about the integrity of this strategy. There are too many loopholes in a ‘benchmark’ plan, though I can’t argue with the guy – this plan may be our only hope, and there is no use in arguing against that premise. The most unfortunate circumstance in this scenario is that we are all hoping, yes hoping, that this ‘benchmark’ plan can be pulled off. And hope, based on a shaky premise, causes panic and anxiety. There is no certainty. Even Rumsfeld himself exclaimed:

"It's difficult. We're looking out into the future. No one can predict the future with absolute certainty."

You’re absolutely right, Donald. No one can predict the future in absolute certainty, but isn’t it your job to best prepare us for what is being predicted? (Maybe just a little?) In regards to the plan that is being introduced and probably already being executed, it will take approximately 18 months to successfully enforce this “benchmark” program – meaning that the Iraqi leaders will have certain dates and time frames to work with in order to reach certain goals between now, and 18 months from now. This sounds like a fairly decent plan if you look at it from a ‘ Iraq is a stable country’ perspective, but, dear audience – is that really the case? No. Iraq is currently one of the seven realms of hell, and to organize and set ‘benchmarks’ for confused and annoyed leaders, is quite a tall order – are we biting off more we can chew? Again?

Moving along to the opposite perspective. Let’s “be Rumsfeld” in this scenario. 18 months from now will leave us in the middle of the beginning of Presidential campaign season, correct? Presidential elections will be hot (and I mean scorching) on and off the presses. Commentators, opinionists, publications, columnists, satirists, and comedians alike will be dishing out, making up, and spreading slander, dirt and disgust on every presidential candidate out there running in ’08. As we speak in ’06 the Republican party is looking pretty dirty. Now – if I were part of the Bush Administration amidst all of this disgust and chaos, I would do my best to deal with it and move on, think ahead, and plan ahead. You know – “look at the finish line,” so to speak. Let me ask you this: What really matters in the end? The vote. Absolutely. So listen: if Rumsfeld, Bush, Condoleezza, Cheney and the rest can actually pull this 18 month plan off – the Republican party will look quite dapper and distinguished come election ‘08. They may look so damn appealing that they regain complete approval from their public. Smart move – IF they can pull it off. And with elections coming up in the next few weeks or so, that may cause concern of difficult challenge: If the democrats gain power in House and the Senate, then Rumsfeld’s plan may go down the tubes. We’ll see.

Isn’t this is all quite exciting?