Thursday, November 02, 2006


On Thursday, October 26, 2006, a press conference was held featuring Donald Rumsfeld and his newly proposed 'Benchmark' strategy for the war in Iraq . In the most basic of explanations, the plan is one in which our Administration will give the elected Iraqi leaders a series of benchmarks to set and complete goals in their own country over a course of 18 months. Sounds good? Let's 'back off,' 'calm down,' and review the situation a little:

In conscious reflection of Rumsfeld’s dialogue on Thursday, I first have to say that I saw, a ‘different’ Rummy behind the podium. The Donald Rumsfeld I saw was one that was not convinced of his own proposed plan. Our Secretary of Defense has lost his conviction, ladies and gentleman. From his comments I not only see a frustrated leader, but one who is deeply worried about the integrity of this strategy. There are too many loopholes in a ‘benchmark’ plan, though I can’t argue with the guy – this plan may be our only hope, and there is no use in arguing against that premise. The most unfortunate circumstance in this scenario is that we are all hoping, yes hoping, that this ‘benchmark’ plan can be pulled off. And hope, based on a shaky premise, causes panic and anxiety. There is no certainty. Even Rumsfeld himself exclaimed:

"It's difficult. We're looking out into the future. No one can predict the future with absolute certainty."

You’re absolutely right, Donald. No one can predict the future in absolute certainty, but isn’t it your job to best prepare us for what is being predicted? (Maybe just a little?) In regards to the plan that is being introduced and probably already being executed, it will take approximately 18 months to successfully enforce this “benchmark” program – meaning that the Iraqi leaders will have certain dates and time frames to work with in order to reach certain goals between now, and 18 months from now. This sounds like a fairly decent plan if you look at it from a ‘ Iraq is a stable country’ perspective, but, dear audience – is that really the case? No. Iraq is currently one of the seven realms of hell, and to organize and set ‘benchmarks’ for confused and annoyed leaders, is quite a tall order – are we biting off more we can chew? Again?

Moving along to the opposite perspective. Let’s “be Rumsfeld” in this scenario. 18 months from now will leave us in the middle of the beginning of Presidential campaign season, correct? Presidential elections will be hot (and I mean scorching) on and off the presses. Commentators, opinionists, publications, columnists, satirists, and comedians alike will be dishing out, making up, and spreading slander, dirt and disgust on every presidential candidate out there running in ’08. As we speak in ’06 the Republican party is looking pretty dirty. Now – if I were part of the Bush Administration amidst all of this disgust and chaos, I would do my best to deal with it and move on, think ahead, and plan ahead. You know – “look at the finish line,” so to speak. Let me ask you this: What really matters in the end? The vote. Absolutely. So listen: if Rumsfeld, Bush, Condoleezza, Cheney and the rest can actually pull this 18 month plan off – the Republican party will look quite dapper and distinguished come election ‘08. They may look so damn appealing that they regain complete approval from their public. Smart move – IF they can pull it off. And with elections coming up in the next few weeks or so, that may cause concern of difficult challenge: If the democrats gain power in House and the Senate, then Rumsfeld’s plan may go down the tubes. We’ll see.

Isn’t this is all quite exciting?


Blogger eldavojohn said...

Oh man, that picture of voodoo Rumsfeld is going to haunt my dreams now. Thanks a lot.

I can't tell if his intents are to simply occupy me with military force or remove my brain stem in a coup.

1:56 PM  

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